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Under the theme Pour une mise en commun des avoirs et des savoirs (Sharing assets and know-how) CIPA hosted, with success, its 4th annual Franco-Tech, that was held  on Wednesday, March 21, 2007, at Université de Moncton, campus de Shippagan.



Many speakers from various sectors of interests were able to share their knowledge and their know-how in the service delivery issues, by means of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs).

CIPA wishes to thank them warmly along with the participants, the exhibitors and  the collaborators for the success of Franco-Tech 2006.

A special thanks to our financial partners for their implication and their support : Industry Canada, Business New Brunswick, Entreprise Peninsula, RDÉE New Brunswick, Université de Moncton-campus de Shippagan and CÉNB.

A few photos of the event.






The Health Village partners at the launching






Mr Gilles Lepage, Speaker





Mr Denis Desrosiers, CIPA's Executive Director and Mr Gilles Lepage





Mr André Sonier, Speaker



Mr Denis Poirier, Speaker




Mrs Kimberly Flogeras, Speaker



Mrs Cécile Klein, Speaker




Mr Louis-Philippe Gauthier, Speaker




Mrs Annick Cormier, Speaker




Mr Jean-Louis Bouchard,  Assistant, Office of the Associate Deputy Minister of Health




Mrs Suzanne Tremblay, Société santé en français representative




Organizing committee and CIPA's team

 A few  exhibitors  



























































































































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