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What is CIPA?

The Collectivité ingénieuse de la Péninsule acadienne (CIPA) inc. Is a non-profit organization which conceives, develops and delivers applications which strategically use information and communication technologies to strengthen and fortify community development, promotion of knowhow and the acquisition of knowledge. CIPA’s offices are located in Paquetville, New-Brunswick.


CIPA’s mission is to improve the economic well-being and community relations for Acadian and Francophone communities as well as rural organizations and businesses, in areas –among others- of management, health, wellness, culture and trade.

A bit of history

In 1998, Industry Canada launched its Smart Communities program, aiming to make Canada the most connected country in the world. The CRCP, an organization developing solutions to address the faltering economy of the Acadian Peninsula, proposed to participate in the program. The project was led by Jacques Leger in terms of design, drafting and implementation. CIPA salutes his vision and determination.

Board of Directors

  • Centre de bénévolat de la Péninsule acadienne (CBPA)
  • Commission d'aménagement de la Péninsule acadienne (CAPA)
  • Concertation rurale Centre Péninsule (CRCP)
  • Université de Moncton, campus de Shippagan (UMCS)
  • Entreprise Péninsule
  • Commission de gestion des déchets solides de la Péninsule acadienne (Cogedes)
  • Corporation au bénéfice du développement communautaire (CBDC)
  • Forum des maires de la Péninsule acadienne
  • Collège commununautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick - Péninsule acadienne (CCNB-PA)