is the �Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne�?
Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne (CIPA) inc. is a
non-profit organization, composed of fifteen regional community partners who
work at the development and implementation of a societal project.
The CIPA�s main goal is to promote the integration of information and
communications technologies (ICT) into rural communities.
Located at the Centre du Savoir de la P�ninsule acadienne, in Paquetville,
the CIPA has hired over 35 new employees who have put in place its
organizational structure and logistics. CIPA and the various participants
have implemented �a sustainable rural development model, adapted to the
socio-economic reality of our francophone rural region.� The model is
composed of a series of population empowerment mechanisms, a system of
infrastructures and computer services that promote collaboration among
partners, a measurement and evaluation plan and a national and international
communication system.
The project also encompasses a complete range of services related to the
main aspects of community life. Institutions and the general public
therefore have access to computer services that will lead to the development
of various sectors of activity such as healthcare, education and training
and economic and municipal affairs. It also offers users access to municipal
and government services.
This major initiative by the national Smart Communities Program (Connecting
Canadians) has led to other opportunities, such as CIPA being selected
by the province of New Brunswick to manage the important project of
broadband access for rural New Brunswick communities. The broadband pilot
program�s goal is to help rural and northern communities in the province
gain access to high speed Internet.
CIPA has also taken steps with other francophone communities in New
Brunswick and at the national and international levels in promoting the
implementation of a rural, sustainable and exportable development model.
The Acadian Peninsula�s smart community
model offers an entire array of services related to the main aspects of
rural life. Automated services and solutions favouring the development of
local communities� various sectors of activity are therefore available for
businesses and for the population at large.
Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la
P�ninsule acadienne (CIPA) inc. lance son projet de plusieurs millions de
D�jeuner-causerie dans le cadre
de la semaine de la PME
D�jeuner-causerie dans le cadre
de la Semaine de la PME : un succ�s
Assembl�e g�n�rale annuelle
de la Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne
Mini-colloque de la
Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule Acadienne
Charles-�douard Landry,
conf�rencier au Centre universitaire de Shippagan
Ouverture officielle du Centre
du Savoir
La CIPA participe au Salon
sur les carri�res 2003 - P�ninsule acadienne