

President's Message

President's Message

The Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne(CIPA) inc. group intends to take up the challenge of conducting the New Brunswick Smart Community Demonstration project. We will commit ourselves to a process aimed at facilitating the entry of the Acadian Peninsula in the knowledge era of the information technologies and communication.

In order to accomplish this, the Acadian Peninsula will have to learn to utilize and master the information and communication technologies in an innovative fashion in its development. To this effect, the Acadian Peninsula Smart community Project will innovate in proposing a holistic approach that will integrate smart services susceptible to promote major social and economic transformations. The impressive array of proposed services will reach the economic, education, health sectors, the delivery of services and networking with the Canadian and International Francophone Community.

First, the implementation of a multi sectoral community Intranet and information kiosks network will probably transform the communication patterns, the diffusion of information, and the service delivery to the community. The creation of a super regional community portal will become a privileged and powerful promotional tool for the region and will foster interactivity with the rest of the world. In addition, the Community Access Centres level one and level two will play a central role in the training and will prove to be an important coaching tool for the Business community in its utilization of information and communication technologies.

In a final analysis, this exercise aims at the development of the community by utilizing the information and communication technologies as a complementary tool for the socio-economic development of the Acadian Peninsula.

Nancy Lainey-Th�riault



� Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne (CIPA) inc.
2002 Tous droits r�serv�s
[email protected]