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Press Release

CIPA takes part in Universit� de Moncton, Shippagan campus 18th �Journ�e des affaires�(�Business Day�) 
The Universit� de Moncton, Shippagan campus held its 18th �Journ�e des affaires�, which welcomed approximately one hundred students, March 18, 2004. The Collectivit� Ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne (CIPA) Inc. was invited to outline the role it plays within the community.
CIPA offered a complete presentation of its various components. Its Business and Economic Development sector�s E-Business Support Service was explained in detail � complete with statistics on the organization�s accomplishments and its involvement within the community � to encourage future entrepreneurs to take part in the knowledge industry. CIPA presented several examples of projects it has been working on, which captured the students� interest.
  On photos: �ric Hall, CIPA project manager.


� Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne (CIPA) inc.
2002 Tous droits r�serv�s
[email protected]