takes part in Real World Linux 2004
Two employees from CIPA�s technical team; Marc L�ger,
technical adviser and Jean-Ren� Cormier, Webmaster, attented the Real World
Linux event in Toronto, April 13,14 and 15, 2004. The two CIPA
representatives attended several conferences and workshops, and had the
opportunity of visiting the exhibits gallery presenting Linux products such
as IBM, Novell and Red Hat.
to Marc L�ger, one of the most important ideas being promoted was the �sharing
of information and source code disclosure among various companies and
organizations, a definite asset in leading edge technology sectors.� Mr.
L�ger explains : �An open source company or project
contributes to the development of new technologies regardless of its level
of success, by sharing its source code and information.
therefore seems quite natural for organizations involved at the
international level, such as CIPA, to adopt an open source approach
in order to stand out among other companies and organizations using more
traditional methods. In doing this, the community would benefit from CIPA�s
discoveries and experiences, as the project evolves.�