Board of directors
Executif committee
Sectoral committee
Sectoral committee

Information and Communications 

The Information and Communications Sectoral Committee will take on an advisory role to help see the organization through upcoming challenges and keep the direction focused on the vision and mandate of both components. Consultations with the committee will also be based on major issues, such as CIPA�s long-term sustainability.

The Information and Communications Sectoral Committee is composed of the following members: 

Association touristique P�ninsule acadienne (ATPA) 
Laurent Robichaud, Aquarium et Centre marin
Centre d'Excellence en informatique (CEI)
Normand Brunelle
Coll�ge Communautaire du N.-B. P�ninsule acadienne (CCNB-PA) 
Paul Th�riault
Commission d'Am�nagement de la P�ninsule acadienne (CAPA)
Richard Servant
Consultant IT N�guac
Raymond Gallant 
Christian Brideau
Entreprise Cr�ation MR
Michel Ross 
Daniel Robichaud
R�seau de d�veloppement �conomique d'employabilit� (RD�E)
Eric Robichaud
Universit� de Moncton, campus de Shippagan (UMCS)
Rina Robichaud  


Community Access Centers Network


The committee�s mandate is to: 

Establish quality standards and criteria for an adequate service, as well as individual requirements relating center coordinators� activities; 

Represent its members with provincial and federal government agencies, public administrations and any person, group or organization profitable or essential to the committee�s continuation and development; 

Continue supporting employee training; 

Facilitate cooperation between centers in developing and implementing marketing promotion projects and defining a new vision and plan of action for all centers.

The Community Access Centers Sectoral Committee is composed of the following members:

Bas-Caraquet Roger Chiasson
Bertrand  Marcel Garvie
Caraquet  Carole H�bert Lebouthillier
Caraquet  CBPA Ga�tan Th�riault
Grande-Anse Sylvie Landry
Inkerman  C�cile Hach�
Lagac�ville  Daniel Comeau
Lam�que  R�nald Hach�
Le Goulet Roger Roussel
Maisonnette  Denis Th�riault
Miscou  Rita Gendron
N�guac  Anne-Marie Roussel
Paquetville  Murielle Gallien
Paquetville  �cole Raymonde Cormier
Pokemouche   Doris Paulin
Saint-Isidore Claudette Beaulieu
Saint-Isidore  �cole Claudette Beaulieu
Saint-L�olin Gino Chiasson
Sainte-Marie-St-Rapha�l Jean-Yves Duguay
Sainte-Rose Jean-Yves Arseneau
Shippagan (central)  Benoit Robichaud
St-Simon  Daniel Mallet
Tracadie-Beach Marie Doiron
Tracadie-Sheila Ir�ne Aubie
Tracadie-Sheila La Source Philippe Doiron
Tracadie-Sheila (Polyvalente)  Pierre Martinez
Val Comeau G�rald Robichaud
Repr�sentant des employ�s des CAC Venance Th�rault

Community Training and Education Centers Network


Serve as CTEC Sectoral Committee member on a round table discussing training and education issues.

The Community Training and Education Centers Sectoral Committee is composed of the following members:

Coll�ge Communautaire du N.-B. PA (CCNBPA) - Paul Th�riault

District Scolaire No 9 - Robert Th�riault

Universit� de Moncton, campus de Shippagan - Patrice-�loi Mallet

Formation et D�veloppement de l'emploi (FDE) - Roseline Albert

Formation et D�veloppement de l'emploi (FDE) - Serge Lebouthillier

Regroupement des gens d'affaires P�ninsule acadienne (RGAPA) - Roland Besnier


Business and Economic Development Network 


To provide counselling and direction to the activities of component 3.5 � Smart Services: Business and Economic Development Network, as described in CIPA�s statement of work, that will help increase the business community�s competitiveness at the regional, provincial, national and international levels, through the use of ICTs and the integration of youth to the region�s economic activities. 

The Business and Economic Development Network Sectoral Committee is composed of the following members:  

Agence de promotion �conomique du Canada Atlantique (APECA) Albertine Cormier
Art Pro (R�gion Tracadie-Sheila) Bernard Ferguson
Corporation locale de d�veloppement des entreprises - P�ninsule acadienne (CLDE)  Fr�d�ric McGraw
Entreprise P�ninsule Richard Doiron
Entreprises N.-B. Aldrice Doiron
Maison Beausoleil (R�gion Neguac) Am�d�e Savoie
Daika Import Export Lt�e R�gion Caraquet Lynn Albert
R�gion Shippagan Marc-Andr� Robichaud
R�seau de D�veloppement �conomique et d�employabilit� (RD�E) du N.-B. �ric Robichaud
Table Avenir Jeunesse Nancy Rousselle
The Print, R�gion Lam�que Roger No�l 
Universit� de Moncton, Campus de Shippagan (CUS) Sid-Ahmed Selouani
Ville de Lam�que (R�gion Lam�que) Henri-Paul Guignard

The Natural Resources Sectoral Committee is composed of the following members:

Minist�re Agriculture P�ches et Aquaculture Maurice Basque
Entreprise P�ninsule  Bernard Savoie
MAPA Carole Lanteigne
FANE  Rachel Savoie
Ass. Producteurs de Bleuets  Benoit Savoie
CRDPM  Sylvain Poirier
Chiasson Aquaculture  Adam Chiasson
Association des conchiliculteurs  L�on Lanteigne
Coop�rative des p�cheurs de l�Ile Lt�e  Marcel Duguay
Minist�re des Ressources Naturelles  Brian Hayden
Sun Gro Horticulture  Luc Beaulieu 
Fafard Peat Moss  Bernard Losier
CRDT  Jean-Yves Daigle
J.C Godin Ent  Jean-Claude Godin
Club Loisirs Rivi�re Caraquet  Yvon Cormier
Club-conseil agroenvironnement du nord-est du N.-B.  Jos�e Lavall�e


Towns, Villages and Local Districts Network  


The role of the Municipal and Local Service Districts Sectoral Committee is to study what is being done in this network and offer recommendations and/or suggestions as well as new ideas as to what can be done to effectively implement the plan of action for the improvement of municipal management and availability of interactive municipal service, through the use of ICTs.

The Towns, Villages and Local Districts Network Sectoral Committee is composed of the following members: 

Village de Paquetville  Murielle Gallien, administratrice
Environnement et gouvernements locaux Andr� Sonier, repr�sentant
Village de Le Goulet  Denis Roussel, maire
Village de N�guac  Denis Bujold, administrateur
Ville de Caraquet Antoine Landry, maire
Ville de Lam�que Henri-Paul Guignard, administrateur
Ville de Shippagan Joanne Richard, administratrice
Repr�sentant des DSL de Tracadie-Sheila Thomas McLaughlin, pr�sident DSL 
Repr�sentant des DSL, circonscription de Caraquet Suzanne Bertin, pr�sidente DSL Duguas
Repr�sentant des DSL, circonscription de Lam�que, Shippagan, Miscou  Johnny Steward, pr�sident DSL Miscou
Repr�sentant des DSL, circonscription de Northumberland  Gilles Savoie, pr�sident DSL Fair Isle
Repr�sentant des DSL, circonscription de Caraquet  Emery Robichaud, pr�sident, DSL Pokemouche
Environnement et gouvernements locaux  G�rald Fournier, repr�sentant, R�gion 2 - Miramichi


Emergency Measures Plan Sectoral

This committee�s mandate is to: 

Elaborate and manage the emergency measures plan for districts �M� and �J� Partial (N�guac) for municipalities and local service districts in the Acadian Peninsula (provincial reorganization); 

Coordinate the provisions of all emergency measures management programs with local and provincial authorities, services, organizations, boards and commissions located in districts �M� and �J�; 

Review, at least once a year, the district�s emergency measures plan and make necessary amendments. 

Submit any recommendation with a view to amend the emergency policies of municipalities and other participating local authorities; 

Establish/maintain a Regional Emergency Measures Center for the Acadian Peninsula;

Establish/maintain a Media and Information Center on emergencies, providing adequate tools to the Acadian Peninsula; 

Elaborate and supervise a training and exercises program in cooperation with EMO New Brunswick; 

Promote the Acadian Peninsula�s Emergency Measures Program; 

Prepare a budget for the Emergency Measures Management Program, in view of its annual approval; 

Each municipality is responsible for identifying its own site manager. The regional coordinator will identify DSL site managers.   


The Emergency Measures Plan Sectoral Committee is composed of the following members:  

Village de Bas-Caraquet  Richard Frigault, administrateur
Village de Bertrand L�onel Th�riault, administrateur 
Ville de Caraquet Eric A. Hach�, directeur des services communautaires
Village de Grande-Anse  Rh�al Paulin, administrateur
Ville de Lam�que  Henri-Paul Guignard, administrateur
Village de Le Goulet  Alvine Bulger, secr�taire, tr�sori�re et
Line Roussel, secr�taire, tr�sori�re (substitut)
Village de Maisonnette  Jean-Marie Godin, maire adjoint 
Village de N�guac  Denis Bujold, administrateur
Village de Paquetville  Murielle Gallien, administratrice
Ville de Shippagan  Fernand H�bert, directeur des mesures d'urgence
Village de St-Isidore  Henri Battah, administrateur 
Village de Saint-L�olin  G�rard Battah, administrateur 
Village de Ste-Marie-St-Rapha�l  Denis Duchanne, administrateur 
Ville de Tracadie-Sheila  C�cile Rousselle, greffi�re
Repr�sentant MEGL District M des Mesures d'urgence  Andr� Sonier, Minist�re de l'Environnement et gouvernement locaux
Repr�sentant MEGL, Partie du District J (N�guac et paroisse d'Alnwick)  G�rald Fournier, Minist�re de l'Environnement et gouvernements locaux

Substitutes :

Village de Saint-L�olin  Jacques Godin, chef pompier
Village de Le Goulet  Line Roussel, secr�taire, tr�sori�re adjointe 

Health and Wellness Network  


Promote the applications and use of ICTs with regards to the delivery of services in the health sector;  

Recognize a joint-action approach as an effective model for community collaboration and development; 

Promote partnerships with the various sectors (local, regional, provincial and national) Support community projects focused on the development of an integrated community model; 

See to the improvement of access to French language services within the health continuum;

Recommend a strategy focused on the distribution of information and online publication of integrated and interactive links;

Offer comments/advice relative to the contents of the Health and Wellness module website, hosted on the CIPA portal;

Promote networking in New Brunswick, with other Canadian communities and at the international level.

The Health and Wellness Sectoral Committee is composed of the following members:  

Association Canadienne Sant� Mentale  Lucie Robichaud
Association vie saine et active  Roger Boudreau
Centre de b�n�volat PA  L�o-Paul Pinet
District scolaire 9  Fernande Chouinard
�cole Sciences Inf. U de M /CUS  Liette Cl�ment-Gallien
Familles et communaut�s d'abord  �lide Doiron
Foyers de soins  Allain Robichaud
Minist�re de la Sant� et du Mieux-�tre  Rachel Bard
R�gie de la sant� Beaus�jour et R�gie de la sant� Miramichi  Suzanne Robichaud
R�gie de la sant� Acadie-Bathurst  Dina Chiasson et Norma McGraw
Sant� mentale  Jeanne-Mance Chiasson
Sant� publique  Shelley Robichaud
Services des d�pendances  Ken Doucet
Services familiaux et communautaires  Yvon Arseneau
Table Avenir Jeunesse  Rachel Landry
Universit� du troisi�me �ge  Anita Cormier


� Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne (CIPA) inc.
2002 Tous droits r�serv�s
[email protected]