What is CIPA?
The Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne (CIPA) inc. is a non-profit organization whose primary purpose is to promote the smart and innovative application of information and communications technologies (ICTs) for economic and community development.
CIPA traces its beginnings to a project presented by Concertation rurale Centre P�ninsule (CRCP) within the terms of Industry Canada�s
Smart Community competition, the purpose of which was to create 12 smart community projects across the country � one in each province, one in the North and one in an Aboriginal community. In May 2000, Industry Canada announced that the project presented by the CRCP had been chosen as the Smart Community project for the province of New Brunswick.
It is in this context that was created a new corporation called Collectivit� ing�nieuse de la P�ninsule acadienne (CIPA) inc. in the fall of 2000. CIPA has since evolved and is now rapidly emerging as an industry leader.
CIPA�s primary objectives are:
� Promoting the Acadian Peninsula and rural areas� entry into the knowledge and information era
� Supporting the development of a knowledge-based economy
� Halting the exodus of our young people and the brain drain
� Developing national and international networking opportunities.
In order to increase the Acadian Peninsula�s participation and to promote it internationally, CIPA has developed a sustainable rural development model adapted to the social and economic realities of the region. The model is composed of a series of population empowerment mechanisms, a system of computerized infrastructures and services supporting teamwork, a measurement and evaluation plan, and a system facilitating communication with the Canadian and international community.
This model also includes an entire array of services related to the main aspects of community life. Institutions and the general public therefore have access to computer services that will lead to the development of various sectors of activity such as healthcare, education and training, and economic and municipal affairs.